Operation Paddle Battle

Presented By: Williams & Mix 96.5 Tulsa

APRIL 19, 2024 * Topseed pickleball


Operation Paddle Battle will continue to support our work to equip local youth with the tools to make positive life choices. The proceeds provide scholarships for school participation in our signature eight-week education program and allow us to expand our reach to more schools in Northeast Oklahoma. With the prevalence of illicit drugs and heightened exposure to peer pressure and bullying, students today face more challenges to succeed in the classroom and life than ever before.


Our Winners!

First Place: Colton Richardson & Ryan Allen

Second Place: Tim Hargett & Pai Smittle

Last Place: Catherine Anderson & Becky Walker (not pictured)


Such A Fun Night!

Thank you to our 2024 Pickleball sponsors

Presenting Sponsor

Scoreboard Sponsor

dink Sponsors

pickled Sponsors

volley Sponsor

Food Sponsor

Donations/Silent Auction