Please complete the following form before the first lesson:
Welcome to week 1 of Operation Aware.
We are so excited to share this time with you even if it is virtually. Please watch the video below. Send questions through the link provided.
If you or your class have a question please submit it under the lesson and we will post an answer within a week. You can view the responses in the 6th Grade FAQ tab.
If you have not completed the pretest, please complete it through the link below before you watch the video.
Welcome back for week 2 of Operation Aware.
If you have not completed week one, it is just below this lesson. We hope you have had a chance to set a goal for the next eight weeks. Maybe you want to get an “A” on a test or score a goal in your next game. Goals help us stay on our road of life and achieve our goals and dreams.
If you have time before the video, take a moment to think of something good that has happened this week. When I have the chance to teach Operation Aware in person, I love to hear good things that are happening for my students, even when it feels like nothing is going right, there is always something we can find that is positive; we call this finding good news. We will practice finding good news over the next seven weeks.
Week 3
Hi friends, today we begin lesson 3. Before you start:
Take a minute to think of something good that happened this past week and share with the person next to you.
Remember, if you have a question or would like to share your good news with me, click the link below the video.
Today we will explore the dangers of nicotine. This topic may be challenging for some to hear because many of us know and love someone who struggles with nicotine addiction. We want you to know that Struggling with nicotine addiction does not make someone a bad person, In fact, if you asked that person if they would be ok with you smoking, they would most likely tell you, “NO! Don’t do it!” Please remember as we go through this presentation that our goal is to learn the dangers of nicotine so you can make the best choice for your health.
Week 4
Welcome back, can you believe we are halfway through Operation Aware? It sure goes by fast.
If you have a minute, I hope you can share some good news with each other. Remember there is a link below where you can ask me a question or share your good news.
This week is a big topic, Marijuana. There is so much information about CBD and marijuana that it can be hard to navigate what is legal and illegal, especially in Oklahoma. We will dive into it and break it down so you will understand the difference. Be sure to write down any questions you may have and submit them to the link below.
Week 5: Alcohol and Medications
Hi friends, today we begin lesson 5. Before you start:
Take a minute to think of something good that happened this past week and share with the person next to you.
Remember, if you have a question or would like to share your good news with me, click the link below the video.
This week we will tackle two subjects. the first is alcohol. Alcohol is illegal for people under 21, but many do not understand why, So we will discuss how alcohol affects the brain and body. The second topic is medications and what can happen when they are misused. The discussion may spark questions, so please write them down and submit them so that we can get them answered for you.
Week 6
Hi students, today we begin lesson 6. Before you start:
Take a minute to think of something good that happened this past week and share it with the person next to you.
Remember, if you have a question or would like to share your good news with me, click the link below the video.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you had to call 911? Today we will hear from an emergency responder. He will answer some of those frequently asked questions and share some calls he has worked on.
Week 7
Hi students, today we begin lesson 7. Before you start:
Take a minute to think of something good that happened this past week, share with the person next to you.
Remember, if you have a question or would like to share your good news with me, click the link below the video.
Today, we will take a closer look at bullying, how it changes in middle school and how to get help.
Week 8
Hi students, today we begin lesson 8. Before you start:
Take a minute to think of something good that happened this past week, share with the person next to you.
Remember, if you have a question or would like to share your good news with me, click the link below the video.