Welcome back for week 2 of Operation Aware.

We hope you have had a chance to set a goal for the next eight weeks. Maybe you want to get an “A” on a test or score a goal in your next game. Goals help us stay on our road of life and achieve our goals and dreams.

If you have time before the video, take a moment to think of something good that has happened this week. When I have the chance to teach Operation Aware in person, I love to hear good things that are happening for my students. even when it feels like nothing is going right, there is always something we can find that is positive; we call this finding good news. We will practice finding good news over the next seven weeks.

Week 3

Hi friends, today we begin lesson 3. Before you start:

  • Take a minute to think of something good that happened this past week.

  • Take a minute to share with the person next to you.

Remember, if you have a question write it down and I will be sure to answer when I am in your class next time.

As we head into our final lessons, we want to make you aware of some social situations you may find yourself in regarding drug use. In addition, we want you to know what the common drugs are that people try for the first time so that you can make the best decision for your Road of Life. You have big dreams - no need to get sidetracked.